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        Main business
        International Trade
        Labor Cooperation
        Aid Foreign Material
        Contact us

        No.198 Mayuan Road.Ningbo.China.


        Tel: +86 574 87120888

               +86 574 87149776

               +86 574 87121298

        Fax: +86 574 87113805


        Main business => Labor Cooperation

        We have been dispatching labors service mainly in the field of more than 30 posts, such as trainees(electronic work, molding work), all forms of crew(cruise ship steward, master, chief engineer, chief mate, second mate, second engineer, sailor), weaver, flight attendant, mould worker, electric welder, mechanic, garment maker, barber, cook, accountant, shop assistant, service staff, builder, etc. to over 50 countries and regions, e.g. Japan, The United States, Germany, Singapore, Macao, Malaysia, Thailand, Hongkong, Israel, Palau, Brazil, Peru, etc. Totally, more than 20,000 contract workers have been dispatched abroad untill now.

        日本電子工 貝勞建築工
        公司勞務培訓中心 派往日本研修生
        日本機械工 以色列建築項目

        © 2009-2010 Copyright. China Ningbo International Cooperation Co.,Ltd

        Add:No.198 Mayuan Road.Ningbo.China. Tel:+86 574-87120888 Fax:+86 574-87113805 浙ICP備13025529号-2
